
Primulinas are a genus within the gesneriads that are often grown for their foliage, which often has unique variegation patterns or leaf shapes. Like all gesneriads, they produce flowers, usually purple, but other colours are possible such as white, yellow, and pink.

They come in various sizes, some growing quite large and others staying quite small. For this reason, the pricing of them across the genus based on size is not possible. Plants are priced on the order form based on maturity and establishment.

Primulina Baishouensis


  • Beautiful sage green foliage
  • Velvety soft leaves
  • Single-crown growing habit
  • Purple bell-like flowers with beautiful red and yellow accents
  • Large flowers in comparison to the plant

Primulina Curly Loki


  • Unique foliage
  • High contrast variegation
  • Purple bell flowers

Primulina Linearicalyx


Long narrow leaves that gives this primulina almost a succulent-like appearance. It has a multi-crown growth habit that results in a plant that has a trailing and bushy look to it. The flowers are long necked bells that are purple with two streaks of yellow from the pollen.